EST 1989


Web 2 


Welcome to my world of cryptocurrency! I’m Philltech, the proud owner of the Ryoshi Tales VIP #3540 NFT avatar. Born on the Cronos blockchain, my crypto journey began with the travel from CRO to Ethereum (ETH), and from there, I made the leap into the web2 space. Now, I use this unique digital avatar to help explain what cryptocurrency really is, making it more accessible and understandable for everyone. My mission is to bridge the gap between web3 and the traditional online world by demystifying the complexities of blockchain, cryptocurrency, and NFTs. Through my experiences and insights, I aim to educate, inspire, and guide others as they embark on their own crypto journeys.

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Web3: The Evolution of the Internet into a Virtual Machine and Dollars into USDC

A Step Into the Future of Fashion with NFTs

Thank You, Joe Rogue

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